Our Capabilities.



Most telcos are facing revenue declines that range from 1% to 10% each year.We will help you gain a competitive edge by showing you how to break through the impasse of complexity that becomes a “drag” on telcos as they face off against new entrants, and emerging start-ups, maximising the power of digital to reach your organisation’s full potential.A new generation of intelligent technology promises to transform telcos over the next decade.  Helping organisations to deploy alternative methods of at-scale cost and commercial transformation, including agility, restructuring, and digital implementation. We can help Private Equity clients evaluate potential deals through due diligence and execute M&A and post-merger integration.



We work with vendors to understand customer needs, form the right partnerships, focus on the most attractive opportunities, and meet the security challenges inherent in IoT devices and applications. Helping vendors scale their IoT product and service offerings as we work with customers to address the organisational changes  needed to build IoT into their digital strategies.Our experts do not simply design change or transformation programmes, they have delivered them successfully in many sectors. We can support you in the successful delivery of complex transformations, integrate potentially difficult acquisitions, or embed in your team to lead programmes.



We identify where and how to build the most value, helping organisations to become more successful. We assist them in optimising store networks, developing market-appropriate assortments, building omni-channel capabilities, launching new formats or improving cost exposure, and much, much more.Our experts combine deep retail industry expertise with experience in all major regions and functional areas. They bring an external, practical perspective to industry challenges and opportunities.They also has extensive experience in equity investments and in strategies for managing portfolios of businesses in the retail industry.

Supply Chain.


Our experts have worked across the value chain of logistics and transport on projects that have involved the full range of capability areas. We have worked with some of the global leaders in freight and logistics. Our expertise in transportation and logistics includes work in the following strategic and operational areas: Organisational and business unit growth strategy, Fleet and network optimisation, IT, Customer strategy, Industrial relations, Performance improvement and process design We can help Private Equity clients evaluate potential deals through due diligence and execute M&A and post-merger integration.



To thrive amid these profoundly changing times you need a strategy that meets today's challenges and seizes tomorrow's opportunities.We have deep expertise in a broad range of complementary capabilities needed to drive a successful digital transformation, including customer experience/journey redesign, future customer proposition,  omni-channel strategy,  analytics, robotic process automation and Agile transformation.Using Agile thinking, we can help you revive stalled digital projects and accelerate completion of your other digital priorities.



Your brand is the first thing a consumer sees and it’s the image and characteristics they think of when your business name is mentioned. A weak brand can limit a great company. A great brand can resonate with customers, inspire loyalty, and rejuvenate a company on the edge.Typical consulting firms work with pre-fabricated strategies, but we join you in the trenches and formulate a strategy together. Our measured, but agile approach to connecting brands with customers is fuelled by not only how we embrace change, but how we create it.Our experts have created brands, re-engineered brands, launched products, and even developed products for globally successful leaders in the retail, hospitality, and FMCG sectors.